- Kita boleh mencari gambar yang mereka download dan digunakan dilaman web pembeli.
- Pertama sekali, buka gallery microstock anda. Saya buka gallery Shutterstock.com saya
- Klik gambar yang kita mahu cari.
- Kemudian Right Click pada gambar berkenaan seperti dibawah. Klik pada Copy Image URL
- Selepas itu buka Google Image
- Pilih Search By Image
- Paste URL yang kita copy tadi
- Cuba scroll down dan lihat page to page ada tak website yang menggunakan image berkenaan. Jika ada, maka itulah website yang menggunakan gambar kita secara online. Jika tiada mungkin gambar kita digunakan secara offline.
- Selamat mencuba!
Illustrasi, antara grafik vector dan bitmap
- Illustrasi secara umumnya adalah sebarang paparan grafik atau gambar rajah seperti dalam buku atau majalah yang digunakan untuk membandingkan atau menerangkan sesuatu mesej.
- Shutterstock mendefinasikan illustrasi sebagai sebarang paparan grafik(sebagai contoh sebuah lukisan) boleh dikenalpasti dan diisytiharkan sebagai illustrasi. Ia boleh diambil gambar ataupun discan. Jika illustrasi itu dihasilkan oleh seseorang ia harus disertakan dengan property release.
- Illustrasi boleh dipersembahkan dalam bentuk grafik vector atau bitmap.
- Vector adalah sebarang bentuk geometri primitif seperti garisan(lines), lengkung(curves), titik(points), bentuk(shapes) ataupun poligon (polygon) dimana semuanya berasaskan kiraan rumusan matematik yang membentuk suatu gambar grafik.
- Vector dihasilkan menggunakan perisian Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw dan Adobe Firework.
- Contoh format file vector adalah SVG, EPS.
- Bitmap ataupun dikenali sebagai imej raster, merupakan imej yang dihasilkan oleh struktur data berbentuk dot matrix atau pixel berwarna yang biasa kita lihat di skrin tv, monitor atau pun kertas.
- Bitmap dihasilkan menggunakan perisian seperti Adobe Photoshop dan GIMP.
- Contoh file bitmap adalah JPEG, JPG, BMP dan GIF.
- Kedua-dua illustrasi dalam format vector dan bitmap boleh diterima oleh agensi.
- Perbandingannya secara mudah, apabila kita zoom in kepada image, jika file vector ia masih mengekalkan kualiti asalnya. Berbeza dengan file bitmap, kita akan dapat lihat pixel demi pixel yang biasa kita panggil “pecah”. Itulah perbezaan kualiti vector dan bitmap.
- Jadi sebenarnya sama ada illustrasi dalam bentuk vector atau bitmap. Kedua-dua vector atau bitmap boleh dihantar ke microstock agency. Sebab ada illustration yang kita boleh lukis sendiri dengan perisian vector, ada yang kita sekadat ambil gambar. Biasa gambar yang terhasil melalui kamera adalah berkualiti bitmap. Begitu juga bila kita scan.
- Cuma mungkin ada sedikit kelebihan bila menghantar karya vector kerana saiznya boleh dibesarkan mengikut keperluan berbanding bitmap dengan saiz yang terbatas.
- Setakat ini, harga jualannya adalah sama. Tak kira vector atau bitmap.
- Contoh imej illustrasi:
- Sumber: Vector Graphics, Bitmap Graphics
Antara mengajar dan berkongsi ilmu
Dari Abdullah bin Amr radhiyallahu ta’ala ‘anhu, bahwa Nabi shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, “Sampaikanlah dariku walau hanya satu ayat” (HR. Bukhari)
- Mengajar dan berkongsi ilmu adalah perkara yang mulia. Malah ia dituntut oleh agama.
- Betapa mulianya bila kita mampu menyampaikan ilmu kepada orang lain. Ilmu itu pula dimanfaatkan ke jalan kebaikan. Sesungguhnya ia merupakan antara saham akhirat paling menguntungkan.
- Cuma bangsa kita ini, masih lagi kurang dalam bab menyampaikan dan berkongsi ilmu.
- Cuba lihat kebanyakan bahan ilmiah secara online berapa peratus yang menggunakan bahasa melayu? Kebanyakannya menggunakan bahasa inggeris. Paling dekat pun Bahasa Indonesia.
- Antara puncanya sering meletakkan diri tidak layak, tidak cukup ilmu, masih baru untuk menyampaikan ilmu yang ada.
- Menambah masalah lagi apabila ada pula yang berpandangan negatif pada usaha kita untuk membantu orang lain.
- Tetapi sebenarnya, yang menjadi masalah adalah kerana kurangnya pemahaman terhadap antara mengajar dan berkongsi ilmu.
- Kita sering berpandangan kalau nak menyampaikan ilmu adalah dengan cara mengajar. Umpama seorang guru dengan anak murid.
- Bila begini, biasanya kita yang masih dahaga ilmu akan rasa kurang yakin untuk menyampaikan ilmu kepada orang lain. Kita rasa kurang matang, kurang pengetahuan dan kemahiran untuk menyampaikan ilmu.
- Semuanya kerana kita meletakkan diri kita didepan sebagai pengajar / role model.
- Bila kita letak diri kita dihadapan sebagai pengajar atau role model, memang kita akan rasa kurang senang. Tak cukup ilmu didada untuk mengajar orang lain.
- Kerana itu saya lebih selesa menggunakan konsep berkongsi ilmu apabila menyampaikan ilmu.
- Bila berkongsi, saya meletakkan diri sama level dengan orang lain. Minda saya akan membayangkan saya dikalangan rakan dan kenalan yang sedang dalam diskusi bukan dalam sesi pengajaran.
- Berkongsi ilmu, lebih mesra, boleh menjadi lebih unformal. Proses belajar pun lebih ceria. Berkongsi ilmu juga melibatkan input lebih daripada satu pihak sahaja.
- Berkongsi ilmu juga membolehkan segala halangan yang terbentuk disebabkan pengalaman dan pengetahuan peserta yang lebih arif dapat dihapuskan. Ini kerana kita mahu berkongsi apa yang kita ada, berbanding mengajar segalanya. Kita tidak meletakkan diri sebagai role model semata-mata.
- Jika kita mainkan peranan bersama-sama berkongsi ilmu sesama kita. Bayangkan bagaimana kemajuan yang kita capai dalam bidang tertentu. Banyak masa dapat dijimatkan kerana masing-masing akan melalui pengalaman yang berbeza dan semua itu dikongsi.
- Konsep perkongsian ilmu amat penting dalam sesebuah komuniti. Ia tidak sekadar membantu komuniti semakin maju, malah individu yang terlibat juga semakin matang dalam mencari ilmu.
- Tetapi hendaklah semua memainkan peranan proaktif barulah menjadi. Masing-masing berusaha menjadi yang terbaik dan tidak bergantung-harap kepada orang lain sahaja. Jika tidak , konsep berkongsi ini akan jadi tak balance. Bila tak balace semuanya akan musnah.
- Matlamat kita hanya satu, berkongsi ilmu untuk kebaikan bersama. InsyaAllah.
Top 10 Lies told to Naive Artists and Designers
Top 10 Lies told to Naive Artists and Designers
– by Mark W. Lewis
1 “Do this one cheap (or free) and we’ll make it up on the next one.”
No reputable business person would first give away their work and time or merchandise on the hope of making it up later. Can you imagine what a plumber would say if you said “come in, provide and install the sink for free and next time we’ll make it up when we need a sink.” You would be laughed at! Also the likelyhood is that if something important came along, they wouldn’t use you.
2 “We never pay a cent until we see the final product.”
This is a croc, unless the person is leaving the door open to cheat you out of your pay. Virtually every profession requres a deposit or incremental payment during anything but the smallest project. Once you have a working relationship, you may work out another arrangement with a client. But a new client should not ask you to go beyond an initial meeting and, perhaps some preliminary sketches without pay on the job!
3 “Do this for us and you’ll get great exposure! The jobs will just pour in!”
Baloney. Tell a plumber “Install this sink and my friend will see and you’ll get lots of business!” Our plumber friend would say “You mean even if I do a good job I have to give my work away to get noticed? Then it isn’t worth the notice.” Also the guy would likely brag to everyone he knows about how this would normally cost (X) dollars, but brilliant businessman that he is he got if for free! If anyone calls, they’ll expect the same or better deal.
4 On looking at sketches or concepts: “Well, we aren’t sure if we want to use you yet, but leave your material here so I can talk to my partner/investor/wife/clergy.”You can be sure that 15 minutes after you leave he will be on the phone to other designers, now with concepts in hand, asking for price quotes. When you call back you will be informed that your prices were too high and Joe Blow Design/Illustration will be doing the job. Why shouldn’t they be cheaper? You just gave them hours of free consulting work! Until you have a deal, LEAVE NOTHING CREATIVE at the clients office.
5 “Well, the job isn’t CANCELLED, just delayed. Keep the account open and we’ll continue in a month or two.”
Ummm, probably not. If something is hot, then not, it could be dead. It would be a mistake to *not* bill for work performed at this point and then let the chips fall where they may! Call in two months and someone else may be in that job. And guess what? They don’t know you at all…..
6 “Contract? We don’t need no stinking contact! Aren’t we friends?”Yes, we are, until something goes wrong or is misunderstood, then you are the jerk in the suit and I am that idiot designer, then the contract is essential. That is, unless one doesn’t care about being paid. Any reputable business uses paperwork to define relationships and you should too.
7 “Send me a bill after the work goes to press.”
Why wait for an irrelevant deadline to send an invoice? You stand behind your work, right? You are honest, right? Why would you feel bound to this deadline? Once you deliver the work and it is accepted, BILL IT. This point may just be a delaying tactic so the job goes through the printer prior to any question of your being paid. If the guy waits for the job to be printed, and you do changes as necessary, then he can stiff you and not take a chance that he’ll have to pay someone else for changes.
8 “The last guy did it for XXX dollars.”
That is irrelevant. If the last guy was so good they wouldn’t be talking to you, now would they? And what that guy charged means nothing to you, really. People who charge too little for their time go out of business (or self-destruct financially, or change occupations) and then someone else has to step in. Set a fair price and stick to it.
9 “Our budget is XXX dollars, firm.”
Amazing, isn’t it? This guy goes out to buy a car, and what, knows exactly what he is going to spend before even looking or researching? Not likely. A certain amount of work costs a certain amount of money. If they have less money (and you *can*) do less work and still take the job. But make sure they understand that you are doing less work if you take less money that you originally estimated. Give fewer comps, simplify, let them go elsewhere for services (like films) etc.
10 “We are having financial problems. Give us the work, we’ll make some money and we’ll pay you. Simple.”
Yeah, except when the money comes, you can expect that you will be pretty low on the list to be paid. If someone reaches the point where they admit that the company is in trouble, then they are probably much worse off than they are admitting to. Even then, are you a bank? Are you qualified to check out their financials? If the company is strapped to the point where credit is a problem through credit agencies, banks etc. what business would you have extending credit to them. You have exactly ZERO pull once they have the work. Noble intentions or not, this is probably a losing bet. But if you are going to roll the dice, AT LEAST you should be getting additional money for waiting. The bank gets interest and so should you. That is probably why the person is approaching you; to get six months worth of free interest instead of paying bank rates for credit and then paying you with that money. Don’t give away money.
Now, this list wasn’t meant to make anyone crazy or paranoid, but is designed to inject some reality into the fantasy.
You are GOING to be dealing with people who are unlike yourself. Their motivations are their own and their attitudes are probably different than yours. There are going to be demands, problems, issues and all the hassles that go with practically ANY work/job/money situation. Too many times I see the sad example of someone walking in to a situation with noble intentions and then getting royally screwed, because what they see as an opportunity and a labor of love, the other party sees as something else entirely, not at all romantic or idealized, but raw and simple.
How can you deal with this stuff and still do good creative work? Good question. THIS is why an education is important. You learn, out of the line of fire, how to deal with the art at it’s own level and also how to deal with the crap that surrounds it. You may have tough teachers and think that it can’t be worse, but wait until a business person has a hundred grand riding on your art! Then you will know what “demanding” means. You will then thank all those tough teachers for building up the calluses that enable you to enjoy the job rather than just feeling like it is all a big waste of time!
In the end, working commercially, being a terrific artist is about 25% of the task. If that is the only part of the task that you are interested in, do yourself a favor. Don’t turn “pro.”
Promosi Web Murah
Korang ada plan nak buat website tak? Kalau ada, sekarang aku ada buat promosi murah. Tapi aku takde la ambil banyak sangat order ya. Aku buat sikit2 as freelancer. Sibuk dengan Takaful PruBSN punya kerja. Pakej ini hanya untuk:
- Laman web peribadi
- Syarikat IKS, Perniagaan atau syarikat kecil yang mempunyai bajet terhad
- Persatuan / Organisasi / NGO yang memerlukan laman web untuk menyebarkan infomasi kepada ahli-ahlinya
- Koperasi yang seharusnya mempunyai portal laman web untuk ahli-ahli koperasi berinteraksi dan memperolehi info dari laman web
Pakej Promosi Murah & Terhad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Free Domain .COM (Add RM50 For .COM.MY/ .NET.MY or Any MY NIC)
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Annually charge RM150 (Domain & Host Only)
Jika korang ada nak buat sistem atau apa2 applikasi boleh juga bertanya pada saya. Jika saya tak berminat sekalipun saya boleh tolong rekemen kawan2 saya yang lain. Tara hal….
Lama weh tak update blog ni.
Hari ni singgah just nak wat bookmark aje.
Tetiba update design website http://www.takaful-insurance.com.my.
Tambah Masonry punya style sikit.
Refer kat website wplover, http://www.wplover.com/1818/tutorial-using-jquery-masonry-with-wordpress/.
Official website http://masonry.desandro.com/.
Bagus tutorial dia, bley la follow.
Jadi camni, meh la singgah!